
when do the mark proctor academy coaching sessions take place?

U6 to U15 sessions take place Monday - Friday between 5pm - 8pm. If you require more details please email markproctoracademy@gmail.com or phone 07702658103


How much do the sessions cost?

The sessions cost £32 per month. This equates to £384 per year which can be paid over 12 months by standing order. Payments to be made one month in advance on the date of joining Mark Proctor Academy. 

The monthly cost includes:

  • 39 x week coaching programme

  • 3 x additional hours (Tournaments, MFC tours etc)

does mark proctor academy do sibling discount?

Mark Proctor Academy does not do sibling discounts.


does mark proctor academy cater for goalkeepers?

Mark Proctor Academy only coaches outfield players. 

does Mpa cater for all levels of abilities?

Yes, Mark Proctor Academy caters for beginners through to elite players who are signed up to a team. The main focus for all players is fun and enjoyment with an element of learning.